
新闻 and Views from the 威尼斯人平台



骄傲月是同性恋群体IA2s+社区的年度庆祝活动,是为了纪念1969年的石墙起义,这是取缔歧视性法律和做法的转折点,也是同性恋权利运动的开端. 这次起义是对6月28日警察突袭纽约石墙酒吧的回应, 1969, 煽动为期六天的抗议活动,反对警察骚扰和迫害社区.  

通过游行, 游行, 和集会, 骄傲月提高了人们对同性恋群体IA2S+群体成员平等正义和机会的认识.  

在雷德兰兹的骄傲月, the University flies the 骄傲 flag, 大学纪念教堂的柱子被彩虹色照亮,以庆祝同志骄傲节. 

Working with staff and U of R President Krista Newkirk (她/她), Iyan Barrera-Sandri(他/他, 更喜欢被称为Iyan), the 威尼斯人平台 Staff Assembly (URSA) president, worked together to implement flying the 骄傲 flag on the University flag pole. 这是骄傲旗第一次在大学的主旗杆上飘扬.

Purchased by Associated 学生 of the 威尼斯人平台 (ASUR) in 2019, 为了纪念22岁的威尔·赖特,骄傲庆祝活动的表彰灯更名为“爱的颜色”, 谁在2020年11月去世了. 活跃于LUST(一起倾听和理解性)和犹他大学骄傲中心, Will was a beloved member of the U of R community.  


Overseen by Campus Diversity and Inclusion (CDI), 鲁大骄傲中心旨在为同性恋群体IA2S+群体的人们创造一个安全的空间,并为盟友提供更多的资源来了解酷儿身份和文化. 骄傲中心还举办学生会议、演讲、社区活动和讨论小组. 

女性, 性别, 性研究教授Addie Davidove(他/他们)是骄傲中心的顾问,负责加强和扩大中心的资源. 

“对我来说,骄傲不局限于这个月,而是全年都存在的东西. 对我来说, 庆祝 骄傲 means living my truth,大卫多夫说, 谁希望“通过这个角色”, I can offer support to 同性恋群体IA2S+ staff, 教师, 以及我们校园里的盟友,鼓励我们校园文化的持续发展,以肯定我们的同性恋群体IA2S+斗牛犬.”  


Liz Martinez-Gonzalez ‘25 (she/they), is the 骄傲的中心 intern and public policy major and women, 性别, 未成年性行为. "My biggest supporters are my friends and older brother. I will never feel ashamed for not fitting the normal stereotypes of a Latina. I am queer, and I am proud to show my true colors.” Liz has become more confident and feels as though they no longer must hide. Liz 相信 people can be supportive 通过“尊重人们的代词,不通过他们表现自己的方式来假设他们的性取向或性别认同。.”

Ari Lopez’24(他/他们), a psychology major with minors in English and women and 性别 studies, 相信, “骄傲 is a time to remember our history and where we came from. For the longest time I believed in general history. 我们存在过,但是悄无声息. 直到我在犹他大学选修了“酷儿文化与身份”和“酷儿理论”,我才开始看到我们历史的复杂性和深度. Yet through all our highs and lows, queer people continue to exist and prosper within our communities. We continue to raise our voices to the injustices around us. I could not be prouder to be a part of this community.”

Davidove说, “The last thought I would like to share is one of hope, especially to speak directly to other queer and trans-identifying folks. 骄傲的历史始于对同性恋群体IA2S+群体所面临的系统性不公正的抵抗行为. As we are seeing a resurgence in anti-同性恋群体 laws and initiatives, I want to invite/encour年龄 resistance and care. 抵抗可以有多种形式, but one form that deserves to be highlighted is 快乐 as an act of resistance.” 

“拥抱, 庆祝, 体现喜悦既可以是对不公正的直接回应,也可以是一种恢复实践. Also, June is a great time to care for yourself and your community. You can ask yourself — how are you showing up for yourself/your community? How are you showing up for communities that you are an ally to? 这个月是一个反思我们如何做到这一点,然后付诸行动的机会. To my queer and trans family, I have so much love and gratitude for you. 要知道你并不孤单, 你是个好人, the world is a better place because you are in it, 你是值得庆祝的.” 

The 骄傲 flag flying high on the University flagpole.

Faculty at the U of R shared with the 斗牛犬的博客 what 骄傲 means to them.  

艾莉森·弗莱伯格教授 (她/她)

Communications and Cultural Studies



斗牛犬的博客: How do you celebrate 骄傲 and what does it mean to you? 

Allison Fraiberg: Maybe this sounds weird, 但在我生命的这个阶段,我庆祝骄傲的方式是一年中尽可能多地出柜或出柜. I run our international study tours in the School of Business and Society, and I run Italian wine tours for Redlands alumni and the public in the summer, so it's important for me to be out and honest during these. 当人们可以诚实地、无所畏惧地在一起时,社会就会变得更好. 这就是骄傲对我的意义.  


AF: To be a supportive ally, it's pretty simple for me: (1) to my answers when you ask me questions; and (2) 相信 me when I tell you about my experiences; and (3) 认为 关于你在世界上的行动不受性别威胁的方式, 性别, 或性.   

BB: Do you have a role model in the 同性恋群体IA2S+ community? 如果有,是谁,为什么? 

AF: I 不 have a specific role model. 我经常想到的是站在我身上的那些酷儿的肩膀. I know there are things I can take for granted because of all the work, 快乐, 痛苦来到我面前. People battled to make my life a little easier. 我希望我已经为我的后代提供了站立的肩膀.  

BB: Is there anything else you would like to share? 

AF: For anyone at the UofR, know that you can always contact me. 我的门为你敞开. In good times and especially in bad times. 

温迪·麦金太尔教授 (她/她)


Wendy McIntyre smiles with the sun setting on the San Bernardino Mountains.

斗牛犬的博客: How do you celebrate 骄傲 and what does it mean to you?  

Wendy McIntyreI celebrate pride month by going to events (going to Palm Springs ... even though they 不 celebrate pride until November. I feel like it's always pride month in Palm Springs), wearing my pride colors and having my three dogs wear theirs as well, 对所有人说"骄傲快乐. 骄傲月意味着庆祝我们的遗产,以及那些在我之前不得不保持沉默和/或被同性恋群体IA2S+迫害的人. 这也是庆祝美国在我们所有的维度,身份和表达. 


There are countless ways to support the community; by always being inviting to those in the community, hosting events for those in the community, using the proper pronouns if someone is willing to share theirs, 我自己也出去了. 至于成为盟友,我认为打击对同性恋群体IA2S+的恶劣待遇是非常重要的. 介入 在此刻 当你的一个同性恋群体IA2S+朋友(或者你甚至不认识的人)被虐待时,这是非常有效的. I think people who think of themselves being the most supportive often defend our community, and this is what being a true ally is to me.  

BB: Do you have a role model in the 同性恋群体IA2S+ community? 如果有,是谁,为什么?

男:我有很多榜样! 80年代末,我的弟弟在爱达荷州的一个小镇(我在那里长大)出柜,他是我的榜样. 他过去和现在都非常勇敢,我一直把他当作我的榜样. 

我认为比莉·简·金和玛蒂娜·纳芙拉蒂诺娃是我最崇拜的榜样(两位网球运动员都是在不容易做到的时候站出来的)。. 我不打网球, 但我喜欢支持, and I will never forget the way they were treated for coming out. 他们是如此勇敢,挑战极限,让我们今天更容易走出困境. We should never forget those that paved the way.  其他人则是在石墙事件中“挑起一切”的人,他们拒绝让自己被纠缠. I love it that the Stonewall Riots were started by a Drag Queen!  

BB: Is there anything else you would like to share?

WM: I'd like to add that I'm so pleased that you asked me to add to the blog. 我很幸运能在UOR工作,在这里我可以在任何方面都感受到尊重和支持! 

同性恋群体IA2S+是a女同性恋的缩写, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿和/或质疑, 双性, 无性, 个精神, and the many additional 性别 identities, 性取向, and romantic orientations that fall under the umbrella. 这个首字母缩略词是一个总称,通常用于指代整个社区. 我们的骄傲中心使用同性恋群体IA2S+来有意识地包容和提高对酷儿的认识, 双性, 无性, 和双灵身份以及在这个保护伞下的无数社区.

To learn more about 同性恋群体IA2S+ resources, click 这个链接 

To learn more about the 骄傲的中心, click 这个链接. 

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